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Nagara River

Environment raises a person, and a person creates the thing.

In the basin of the clear stream Nagara River, papermaking had been carried out flourishingly for approximately 1,300 years.


 清流 長良川の流域では、およそ1300年前から紙すきが盛んにおこなわれてきました。その中で伝統的な製法は、「本美濃紙」として、ユネスコの無形文化遺産に指定されています。美濃和紙の特徴は、紙の肌理が細かく非常に綺麗なことです。MOLZAはこの伝統をコアに、生産設備の自動化、ファイン化を進めています。紙媒体に高度な機能と感性を加えることにより、新たな製品開発と、市場開拓を目指しています。

Environment raises a person, and a person creates the thing.

In the basin of the clear stream Nagara River, papermaking had been carried out flourishingly for approximately 1,300 years. The traditional manufacturing method was authorized as "Honminoshi" by Intangible Cultural Heritage of the UNESCO. The characteristic of Mino Japanese paper is a fine texture. In MOLZA, we are going to push forward becoming automation of our plants and making high quality products. We add high performance and sensitivity to a paper medium and aim at new development of products and the market.




MOLZA is registered trademark by the patent office of Japan, USA, EU, China, Hongkong, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand and Singapore.

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